Saturday, February 18, 2006

Spring is on its way

At least in this house it is. Marc lent me his camera and so here they are, basking in the first ray of real sunshine, some of my favourite finds/creations of the past week:

Little cat hiding in the forest.

Casting, Scenario and Titles by Isabelle
Props by Maman.

Funny woodpecker doorknocker.

(Long live Kringloop!)

I am mad about this can. 1 euro.
Would you believe it?

For Valentine's day, Marc and I went to a fancy restaurant for lunch. Not just any fancy restaurant: Calla's. Thin slices of duck liver spread over perfect fillets of sole. Lobster cappuccino. Best of all: tartare de coquilles Saint Jacques dans sa mayonnaise à la fleur de courgette. Hmmmmm! Our love boat couldn't have stranded in a better place...

The Wee Wonderfuls: I

(from the Wee Wonderful Pattern of Hillary Lang, see

Her name is Aroum and she is the goddess of perseverance.

The Wee Wonderfuls: II

Her name is Ala and she is the Nigerian (Albino) goddess of hope.

More amazing finds. Sammy and I went to Utrecht, which is incidentally a dangerous place for penniless but easily inspired women. Many many pretty little junk shops. This one had my name on it. Isn't it lovely?

Of course no spring would be complete without some tulips. Voila, maman, tu peux profiter à distance!

Tulip reflection in glass table top.

Coming back to the beginning, you might have noticed a new addition to our family in the shape of a forest-hiding matou. Here is his compère, fishing away in an empty sea. Luckily he brought his catch with him.

And here are the two filous, enjoying some well-deserved rest in the sunshine.

(Both cats are from patterns that I found in an old 1970's Japanese Craftsbook, called 'Ondori's Cats'. I got it from the library, but had to take it back, so unfortunately no pictures).

Well, that's it for today I'm afraid, I am off to watch the BBC version of Madame Bovary with large supply of Kumquats on my lap (remind me to tell you).Crafting_

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