Thursday, January 18, 2007

Growing Growing

... is the name of this amazing print by AshleyG which I treated myself (and Sammy) to. It is also my one and only New Year's resolution (and anybody making funny jokes about which bits of me are most likely to grow first will be tortured). Now I have to find a good place for it: a place where I can see it in the morning when I wake up, and while having breakfast, and on my way to work, and while sitting at the computer, and when hanging out on the couch (no, of course I NEVER do that, too busy you know, so much growing to do...)...


Anonymous said...

Ha daar ben je weer.
Mooi voornemen. Laten groeien/meegeven is dat ook niet groeien?

Anonymous said...

Welcome back.

What a beautiful picture!

May it accompany many a pleasant day in 2007.
