Wednesday, February 22, 2006


I have been trying to pace myself here, and stop at one blog entry a day, but the urge is too strong, and besides, what's the point of pacing, it's not like inspiration will run longer if I chop it up. Right?

Ten minutes ago (that short???) I probably gave you the impression we had a difficult day. That was just the afternoon, though, the morning was lovely. See for yourselves:

'Kijk, Oma zit op mijn trui!' (Look, there's Oma on my sweater!) (in reference to bit of fluff from Oma's boa-sweater which she was wearing yesterday, and from which said bit escaped while Oma was cooking. It was found this morning by Isabelle under the kitchen table: 'Kijk, stukje Oma!' (Look, a piece of Oma!). The fluff was then religiously carried about in Isabelle's hand for a while, before being given pride of place on her brand-new second-hand dungarees)

Drawing circles around new-born walnut turtles...

This next one was a total mystery to me.

Returning from one of many runs to the kitchen, I found them like that. I asked Isabelle to explain.

I still don't get it.

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