Saturday, October 21, 2006


If I haven't been posting much crafting of late, it's because I've been knitting. I am a slow knitter. A very very very very slow knitter. In fact, I'm so slow it's a miracle I ever finish anything. With knitting at that speed, WIP becomes WIR (Work in Regress). Also, I really like to watch TV when I knit, but I'm not the kind of knitter who can actually take her eyes off the knit for more than a split second at a time, which means I can only watch TV I've seen before.

For this sweater for instance, the choice fell on an old favourite, North and South by Elizabeth Gaskell. Did I mention the slowness of my knitting? I had to watch it three times in a row. This makes me (albeit temporarily) the world's greatest expert on all that has passed between Margaret Hale and John Thornton.

At last, it's almost done (just as well, I don't think I could stomach anouther round of Milton romance). Now I just have to attach the wee buttons, stick the apple on (it is to be part of a series, known as the seasons sweaters, the original idea was more ambitious but at this point, I'm thinking an apple will do just fine...), and it's all ready to be worn and torn. Who knows, maybe tomorrow I can post the final 'on the child' picture.

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