Tuesday, September 23, 2008


we celebrated the birthday of peter pan today. it seems that although he does not want to grow up he would like occasionally to celebrate. so we complied. with garlands, balloons, gifts (i am now the proud owner of my own mowgli doll and a barbie television). and a french-style apple tart. this was a real joint-venture: isabelle wrote the shopping-list, carried the groceries from the store, made the dough, rolled out the dough, filled the pie with apples, smeared the apricot jam over the top of the pie and licked clean every utensil and container she could lay her hands on. i supervose. antoine threw the cored, peeled and sliced apples into the bowl with water and lemon juice. and then out of it again. fun was had by all.

(the recipe for the apple tart comes from this fantastic, best ever, i-am-so-happy-i-bought-it cookery bookery)


Pauline said...

Ooohhh, snoepen! Is dat niet het hoogtepunt (en het verborgen doel) van elke bakervaring? Hoe kan dat nou dat zo ongaar met zulke kleine hapjes echt ALTIJD lekkerder is dan wat er uiteindelijk uit die oven komt?

Pauline said...

Ah, and how quietly you sneak in the photo like that, and to mention in passing 'she wrote'... Mama's heart must have been swelling to the size of a balloon, if little me is anything to go by!