and yet...
... please to consider the following:
three years ago, on the day i began this blog, i had
- never taken a photograph except the occasional unfocused holiday snapshot;
- never read a feminist treatise;
- never read about buddhism;
- never baked bread;
- never meditated;
- never done a single yoga exercise;
- never visited an organic food store;
- never touched a sewing machine;
- never sewn anything by hand except perhaps a grand total of three buttons;
- never heard of homeschooling;
- not touched a knitting needle since that deplorable incident in third grade involving mlle. Hardy and the infamous bootie;
- not made a drawing since age 6;
- not sung out loud since age 10;
- not written anything since the diary i kept as a teenager;
- not yet met my son.
most importantly, i had never, ever, ever ever, not even in my wildest dreams, thought of myself as an artist.
incredible, isn't it? the distance travelled. and although i guess i deserve at least half the credit for travelling it, i would not have been able to do so without this blog. and without you people.
Happy birthday!
van harte!
Ben helemaal verbaasd door je lijstje, laat ik nu het beeld hebben van jou dat jij een aantal dingen al jaren en jaren doet.
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