Saturday, May 28, 2011

on the return

all right, so i miss it. i miss you guys. i miss bread-making, jam stirring, photographing, putting words together without worrying too much how 'artistic' they are, tomato-soup making, child-hugging, child-sniffing, floor sweeping, nonsense muttering and bathroom tile cleansing. this is not the only space from which i have been absent lately. but it's through here, as always, that i notice my own return.

and it's good...


Anonymous said...

Welcome back into my inbox!

And coming back with a Tomato! That's one way of returning nobody would have guessed...


Anonymous said...

The pomodori surprise! Good to see you're back!


Josh said...

Ik zie het nu pas, welkom terug véronique, welkom terug! Ik ben braaf bij de laatste begonnen en ga nu verderop lezen.