Friday, September 21, 2007

Sammy's recipe against depression


for the filling:
- 3 morning pages
- 1 inner dialogue on paper between shrill unhappy voice and wise still voice
- 1 five-minute cuddle with Marc (or other loving sane person in the household)
- 1 conversation with loving sane person from outside the household
- 1 prayer to the universe, spoken out loud

for the topping:
- 1 cold shower
- 1 walk outside
- 1 'facing the challenge of tomorrow' meditation
- 1 nourishing food (optional)
- 1 nourishing piece of music (optional)

Consume all ingredients, one by one, sequentially, in any order you like. Repeat every day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm published! ;)
The things you have been doing with this humble recipe amaze me. You grow, girl!
love always,